What Are The Interesting Facts About The French Language?

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What Are The Interesting Facts About The French Language?

French is a lovely language. And learning is becoming more and more popular. The language also conceals an exciting heritage thanks to France’s long history and influence. Understanding this can enhance your appreciation for the language.  In this blog, we will discuss the interesting facts about the French language and join French Classes In Chennai. Here are five amazing facts about the French language:

1)French Popularity Increasing

French speakers have increased in number since the end of World War 2. Interestingly, the language’s popularity rose as French-speaking African nations expanded and advanced. According to current estimates, French speakers could number more than 750 million worldwide by 2050. Considering there are currently 500,000 French professors teaching over 120 million students globally, this number isn’t all that unexpected.

2)French Is The Official Diplomatic Language

The six official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish, and French. But other international organisations also use French as their official working language. Along with German and English, it is one of the three procedural languages used in the European Union. The list does not, however, stop there. Numerous international organisations, like UNESCO, WHO, NATO, and others, use French as a working language.

3)French Is Famous In France

The oddest of these French linguistic facts is this one. It wasn’t until after the French Revolution that French became extensively spoken throughout France. France had areas where several dialects were spoken before this time. Germany and Holland employed the French more frequently up until the 19th century.

4)French Culinary Words Are Global

Without a doubt, French cuisine is well-known and liked. The cuisine there is known worldwide and is of the highest calibre. However, more than simply the food is renowned around the world. The preparation of food has been described by French terminology. Some of the terminology used in cooking that comes from French include chef, blanching, sautéing, and julienne.

5)Frech Is The Most Popular

The most well-known books and films in the world originate from France. Astérix is a well-known French comic book that follows the exploits of a diminutive Gallic warrior. Numerous feature films have been adapted from it, and several copies have been sold worldwide. Le Petit Prince, also called The Little Prince, by Antoine Saint Exupéry, has been translated into more nonreligious languages than any other book. There are 300 distinct translations as a result of its popularity. With more than 200 films produced yearly, French cinema is only second to Hollywood. In addition, France is home to the Cannes Cinema Festival, one of the most prominent cinema events.

Thus, some interesting facts about the French language are French popularity is increasing, French is the official diplomatic language, French is famous in France, French culinary words are global, and French is the most popular. FITA Academy offers essential training and a hundred per cent placement for all students.